Charcuterie - Saucisson Sec (Dry Sausage)

This is our first go at saucisson sec, we’ll know if a few weeks how it tastes! The recipe is posted for anyone that wants to give it a try after seeing my FB Live today.

Servings: 7 sausages 


  • 4 1/2 lb/2 kg pork meat

  • 1/2 lb/225 g fatback

  • 1 1/2 oz/40 g kosher salt

  • 1/4 to 1/2 oz/10 g black pepper (coarsely ground)

  • 1/2 oz/15 g ​dextrose

  • 1/4 oz/6 g curing salt no. 2

  • 2/3 oz/18 g garlic (minced to a paste)

  • 1/4 c/59 ml white wine (dry)

  • 8 feet hog casing (or sheep casing, soaked in tepid water for 2 hours before use


Steps to Make It

1 - Set up the meat grinder, all metal parts from the freezer. Grind the pork meat and fatback on a large (3/4 in/1.9 cm) plate into a bowl sitting on ice. Use a paddle to mix in all other ingredients.

2 - Keep the casing wet while you work with it. Slide the casing onto the funnel but don’t make a knot. Put the mixture in the stuffer and pack it down. Begin extruding. As the mixture comes out, pull the casing back over the nozzle and tie a knot.

3 -Extrude one full coil, about 48 inches (1.3 m) long, and tie it off. Crimp with fingers to separate sausages into 12-inch (30-cm) lengths. Twist the casing once one way, then the other between each sausage link. Repeat this along the entire coil. Once the sausage is cased, use a sterile needle to prick any air pockets. Prick each sausage 4 or 5 times. Repeat the casing process to use remaining sausage.

4 - Hang the sausages to cure 18 to 20 days at 60 F to 75 F / 18 C to 21 C. These can be refrigerated, wrapped, for up to 6 months.